Saturday, November 14, 2009

What over the counter whiteness products really work on older teeth?

New Crest White strips are now made for older people...look for the "renewal" version. You must do them daily, though to keep up with the program and see full results. Also, your dentist may recommend whitening products but at a much more expensive price ($300 and up). Toothpastes with whitening help battle future stains but do little to get rid of older stains. Drink coffee with straws along with tea and soda.

What over the counter whiteness products really work on older teeth?
Crest has a new product out for that specific purpose. It's a tad pricey, but still cheaper than a trip to the dentist. Plus if you visit their website you get a coupon for seven bucks off.
Reply:no over the counter, but they are coming out w/ some soon...but for now, ask your dentist about GC Tion made by GC... it is for aged teeth...hope I was of some help
Reply:Try the Colgate whitening strips they worked for me they are very good


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